Terms of use

This website is managed by __________, having its registered office in _______, __ - _______, _____, VAT number __________, Share Capital ______________ (the “Company”).

1. Access to and consultation of the company’s websites are subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Use and to the regulations in force. Therefore, accessing and consulting this website implies unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use set out hereunder and the ineffectiveness and invalidity of any other different agreement between the visitor and the Company.

2. The website also contains information regarding the therapeutic sectors in which the Company and the other companies of the Angelini Group operate with their research work and their products. This information is not meant to give advice related to health. The visitor is advised to consult only their regular physician when they need a diagnosis and in order to find the most suitable treatments.

3. Even though the Company endeavours to post accurate and updated information on the website, no guarantee can be given about the contents of the website, which must therefore be suitably assessed by the visitor. Therefore, the Company will have no responsibility of any kind with regard to use of the website and its contents. In particular, the Company will not be responsible for deficiencies of accuracy, updating, completeness, adequacy, and timeliness of the information contained in the website, nor for any damage or virus that could affect the computer equipment or other property of the visitor as a result of accessing, using or surfing the website, or of downloading material, data, texts, pictures, videos or audios from the website. The Company reserves the right to interrupt or suspend the operation of the website at any time without that involving any responsibility for it, whether this occurs as the result of actions or omissions by the Company, or by third parties.

4. The information contained on the website could contain technical or typographical errors. the Company reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to make changes, corrections and improvements to the aforementioned information and to the products and programmes described in it.

5. The website also contains links to other websites of third parties, deemed to be of interest to the visitor. Through a link to those websites the visitor leaves the Company’s website of its own accord and without any compulsion.

6. The Company makes no representation whatsoever regarding the content of any other websites which the visitor may access from this website. When the visitor accesses an external website, he/her acknowledges and accepts that it is independent from the Company and that the Company has no control over the content on that website. A link to an external website does not mean that the Company endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of such website.

7. Downloading, displaying and printing information from this website is only permitted for personal use. In any case, any use of the contents of this website for non-personal or commercial purposes is not allowed without the written permission of the Company.

8. It is obligatory to keep and reproduce any indications about intellectual property in the material downloaded from the website. Unless otherwise specified, any material contained on the website must be taken to be protected by copyright and may only be used in compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use or with what is specified in the texts on the website, without written permission from the Company. The Company gives no guarantees with regard to any breaches of the rights of third parties by visitors/users as a result of the improper use of the material contained on the website.

9. Splitting up parts or sections of this website and/or incorporating them in other websites of third parties outside the Company is prohibited.

10. The visitor of the website has no rights to the economic exploitation of the material of the Company and/or of companies belonging to the Angelini group and/or of third parties, contained on the website, nor with reference to brands, patents, technologies or any other intellectual property rights of the Company and/or companies belonging to the Angelini group and/or third parties referred to on the website.

11. Except for the information referred to in the Code for the Protection of Privacy on the Internet, all the communications or material sent to the website by visitors, by electronic mail or any other means, including data, questions, comments, suggestions and the like, will be treated as non-confidential and unprotected information, unless otherwise indicated. All the material transmitted or sent to the website becomes available to the Company with the broadest powers to use it including, by way of example, reproduction, transmission, publication and sending. the Company is also free to use any idea, concept, know-how or technique contained in the communications received by the website for any purpose including, by way of example, the development, production and marketing of products based on such information.

12. Even though the Company periodically checks and monitors the material contained in the pages of the website dedicated to exchanges of opinion, it is not obliged to do so, and it accepts no responsibility with regard to the contents and information contained in that section of the website. It is forbidden to send messages that are defamatory, obscene, slanderous or in any way contrary to any applicable provision of law. the Company will cooperate with the authorities and promptly comply with the provisions aimed at identifying persons that commit illegal actions in sending material to the website.

13. If the Company detects a breach of these terms and conditions for use of the website, it reserves the right to take any corrective action, without any prior notice, including exclusion of the visitor/user from access to the website and to its services and removal of any material entered on the website by that visitor/user, without accepting any responsibility in the matter.

14. The visitor undertakes to hold the Company harmless against any complaints, damages, liability, legal proceedings and any other detrimental consequence arising from the improper use of the discussion services, exchanges of opinion, sending, transmission and the like provided on the website. The foregoing is taken to regard, purely by way of example, any action related to breaches of copyright, brands, patents, protection of intellectual and industrial property, unfair competition and libel.

15. The Company reserves the right to revise these Terms and Conditions of Use by periodic updates. Since those revisions are binding on visitors to the website, the latter are advised to consult this page periodically to acquaint themselves with the updates.

16. This Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by the law ______________